Justice: France, Morocco Bound by ‘Very Close Active Solidarity’ (French Minister)
Le point diplomatique
In a statement to the press following the signing of a technical cooperation action plan between Morocco and France, Dupond Moretti added that the two countries are engaged in a process of digital transformation aimed at making justice more accessible, faster, more protective and more efficient.
The French Justice Minister also underlined the unique common destiny linking the two countries, based in particular on the proximity of their legal and judicial systems.
With regard to the technical cooperation action plan, Dupond Moretti pointed out that both parties aspire to achieve a number of objectives, including modernizing the justice system and reinforcing its efficiency, digitizing procedures and structuring jurisdictions administratively.
According to the French Minister, exchanges will be scheduled in the very near future to share the expertise of both parties on specific subjects, including the dematerialization of civil and criminal proceedings, the tools made available to magistrates and judicial staff, and the possibilities offered to litigants to bring cases before the courts and monitor their affairs online.
These exchanges will also cover the training of registry staff and the fight against violence against women and domestic violence, he said.